In Odders we firmly believe in the future of Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality. In the latest years we have witnessed huge steps in the Augmented Realty field, many of them led by Meta and its consumer product Meta Quest. That’s why we have been working closely with Meta to implement the latest Mixed Reality technology in our apps OhShape and Les Mills XR BODYCOMBAT. Thanks to the new update now Meta Quest users can dance through walls and punch targets through a magical portal that can be summoned anywhere, whether in the living room, bedroom or garden.
Meta Connect brings big news for XR industry
In case you missed it, watch full Meta Connect event here:
Meta Connect, Meta’s annual conference, took place on September 27th and 28th, where the technology giant showcases the new products it plans to launch in the coming months. This year the event was based on 3 pillars: Meta Quest 3, Artificial Intelligence and Smart Glasses.
Mark Zuckerberg began by talking about mixed reality and the multiple applications it will have in everyday life. Returning to the idea of the Metaverse, Meta’s goal is to bring people together through technology by merging physical and virtual spaces. With devices becoming more advanced and affordable by the day, Zuckerberg envisions a near future in which we can all be connected in a way that would make it possible to have normal, everyday conversations with other people through realistic holograms or avatars, all in any location thanks to augmented reality devices.

Mark Zuckerberg highlighting MR features with Les Mills XR Bodycombat.
This is where Meta Quest 3 comes in. The third iteration of the series of VR devices developed by Meta features a powerful second-generation Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 processor, 8Gb of RAM, a resolution close to 4K and a noticeable expansion of the FOV on the horizontal axis, are lighter, have more ergonomic controllers and many other improvements over their predecessors, making this headset the most advanced on the market and at the most competitive price (starting at $499, with higher storage options).
The Meta Quest 3 software has also been enhanced to make the experience much more comfortable. Quest 3 can automatically map the place where the player is, creating a safety grid that delimits spaces and detects chairs, tables or any other obstacle that could interfere with the activity. As for the featured apps, Zuckerberg began by talking about the benefits of mixed reality by giving as an example Les Mills XR BODYCOMBAT, our fitness app awarded best VR app of 2022 by Meta. A simple gesture is all it takes to enter the mixed reality environment, which frames the BODYCOMBAT virtual gym in a window from which interactive elements that set the pace of the session pop up.
And we added MR features to OhShape too!
Choose between MR and VR in both games, and experience them in the way you want:
Les Mills BODYCOMBAT on Meta Quest Store
We look forward to seeing what wonders the future holds with Mixed Reality. We are finally living in an era where the technological dreams promised decades ago are coming true and we will work hard to be at the forefront of all these changes to come.